
Our ISIA training through a students eyes.

Written by Phil Ganley. Past Courchevel BASI 1 & 2 residential course student and current 3 Valleys BASI level 3 ISIA training student.

I booked onto New Generations BASI 1 & 2 residential course in the Winter season of 2014 in order to get a great life experience but also with the aim of becoming a Ski Instructor by getting my BASI Level 2 qualification by the end of the course. The course was life changing for me and really opened my eyes to what life had to offer for me.

After successful completion of my Level 2 I was set to travel back to my home in England and get back on the spanners to my job as a HGV Mechanic. Time went by and I very quickly started to realise how much I was really missing all of the staff and trainers from New Generation along with the exciting lifestyle they had provided for me. I decided that I wanted to go all the way with my training and my next goal was the BASI Level 3 ISIA qualification, of course after the amazing experience I had with New Generation I was definitely looking to continue my training with them so I booked onto the course for the 2015 season.

I arrived in the spectacular resort of Courchevel once again and felt right back where I belong. We had a welcome meeting the day before the ISIA training course kicked off to meet our team mates and the trainers which really helped me settle back in to what definitely feels like a second home but along with all that there was a very motivational point that was made by our trainers about how important fitness, nutrition and equipment was when training at this high level.

Accuracy and slow skiing drills are important when training for your ISIA

With this in mind I made sure that my alcohol intake ceased and that nutrition plans were made along with our awesome trainers providing help and support with everything from advice on how to service our skis to what sort of things are important in a Ski Instructors diet and a variety of fitness training after full on training sessions.

After just the first week of training I was well and truly shattered! I couldn’t believe the high level of intensity that was put upon us and I don’t think I am just speaking for myself there.

ISIA training programme coach James demonstrates one of the drills

Whilst training was full on and fast paced with four hours everyday and fitness sessions every Tuesday and Thursday after training with just the one rest day I thoroughly enjoyed it and not only that but as time went by I could feel myself getting fitter and stronger both mentally and physically, fitness sessions started to get easier and more enjoyable whilst energy levels were kept high with help from good nutritional advice.

The step from becoming a level 2 Ski Instructor to becoming a BASI ISIA level 3 Instructor is huge, the training we were put through was exhilarating and scary at times but this was necessary to make improvements and be strong on your skis. I have met many other trainee instructors going for their ISIA level 3 with other training providers and just through discussing with them what their training consisted of I soon realised that the New Generation Trainers are of a very high quality and they pushed us above and beyond in all aspects of our training. I never thought I would be able to achieve the things I have done this season and if it weren’t for my trainers it would not have been possible.

Students practising drills during their ski instructor training

I feel extremely well prepared for my exams this season and confident that I can adapt and make changes where necessary. I think one of the massive parts of the course that was really helpful was the amount of trainers that New Generation include in your training, this season I was lucky enough to not only have my full time trainers Tom Speakman and James Lawson but also David Barnett, Sam Pickup, Davide La Porta, Marco Tomasello, Sam Taylor, Dave Morris, Simon Bates and none less than the director of New Generation himself Tom Saxlund. Having this much input to our training just shows the passion that New Generation has for being successful in producing top level Instructors.

I highly recommend this course as you will have so much fun and become an extremely highly skilled Instructor provided you put as much effort in to your performance as the trainers do.

All of our 2015/16 BASI level 3 training programmes are going to include french lessons as well as recovery sessions and further fitness preparation. Our aim is to make our students the best, most employable ski instructors possible.

Reserve your spot now and make the most of our prices not increasing till 1/5/15.