
Fitness for Ski Instructor Training: Session 8

Welcome to session 8 and the end of week 2. We hope you are enjoying our Fitness for Ski Instructor Training blogs as well as finding them useful for creating your own training and understanding what needs to be included in it. Today we are…
How to perform a dumbbell snatch. Dumbbell snatches are a great way to improve pwerful extension of the hip used in skiing

Fitness for Ski Instructor Training: Session 9

Welcome to week 3 of our Fitness for Ski Instructor Training base level fitness programme. As we said when we began the aim of this 5 weeks worth of work is to develop a base level of fitness as well as a knowledge of the movements and terminology…
A start jump is a great movement for developing explosive ski fitness

Fitness for Ski Instructor Training: Session 10

We have reached the halfway point of our first block of fitness programmes for skiing and ski instructor training. Congratulations on making it this far, hopefully, you have enjoyed it and are starting to develop an understanding of what you…

Fitness for Ski Instructor Training: Session 11

Welcome to session 11 of our series on Fitness for Ski Instructor Training. We are past the halfway point and you should be starting to notice that things are getting slightly easier. Movements should be starting to feel more natural and some…
Are you properly warmed up? A proper warm up can make a huge difference while training

What part does your core stability play in skiing? Core stability principles

Strength, speed, flexibility and agility are among the fitness parameters most commonly trained to improve your performance in sport. The type of sport you participate in will dictate the relative blend of these qualities, but whether it is…

What Part Does Your Core Stability Play in Skiing?

Long gone are the days when you can just turn up to participate in a sport to a high level and expect to perform well consistently. There are many different aspects that have to be considered these days. For example, physical preparation, mental…